Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How can a spreadsheet make my life easier as a teacher?

I remember my teachers maintaining grades in a grading book, and as I got older I was required to maintain my own grade by keeping a "Record of Progress." But we live in the 21st century, and today's teachers use technology to maintain grades rather than an old-fashion booklet and pen.

Microsoft Excel spreadsheets help not only to save time but to keep every student's grade perfectly organized (so long as you enter the correct formulas). A teacher can create a spreadsheet for individual tests while also maintaining overall grades. A teacher can find the average grade on an exam or current standing in the class, can see which questions on an exam most students answered incorrectly, and can create charts of these grades for visual aides (be it for the students, parents, or the teacher). Isn't technology wonderful?

By using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets in the classroom a teacher isn't only making life easier but keeping the classroom organized by clearly understanding through visuals how each student is performing and what areas the student(s) are struggling in. With this information the next day's lesson plan can be tweaked in order to make sure all the students are understanding the material. The teacher can use the information of which students are struggling and which ones are successful in order to provide material that targets students with specific needs (be it a deeper exploration of the material or re-circling the material in a different way). Spreadsheets help make this a much easier task.

If you are a teacher and welcome the use of technology then trust me when I say Microsoft Excel spreadsheets will become one of your new best friends... that is, of course, if it's not already!

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